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Loan of hand dryers for free

12 / 07 / 2017
Hand Dryers

Are you considering purchasing an electric hand dryer but you're not sure if it's suitable for your business? WELT SERVICE offers you the opportunity to borrow and try out Jet Dryer hand dryers free of charge and without obligation.

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Shredder for catering LCD or commercial?

Is a grinder for gastronomy: LCD or commercial?

22 / 06 / 2017
Kitchen waste disposers

For the needs of gastronomic operations, there are two basic types of waste disposers, differing in the technology used and the price. Let's take a look at the difference between a commercial (industrial) and an LCD disposer of kitchen waste.

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History of the Czechoslovak waste shredder P 50

26 / 04 / 2017
Kitchen waste disposers

Přemysl Vacek sent us an extensive study on the P 50 waste grinder. This waste grinder, produced in socialist Czechoslovakia, has an interesting and sometimes hard-to-believe story behind it.

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